"Thank you so much for your support!"
James H. “Jim” Harvey is the serving incumbent Weber County Commissioner currently completing only his second term as an elected official. He's local and grew up in Riverdale, attending K-12 Weber County Schools. In 1981 his musical talents earned him the privilege of serving the US military in Germany as a USO/DOD entertainer. He later served an LDS mission in Hawaii. In 1986 he graduated from Weber State University with a B.I.S. in Communication, Sociology, and Technical Sales.
He and Jane have five grown children and six grandchildren. He’s elated to admit that they are a close family and enjoy one another's company. He’s also proud to include that a few years ago, Jane graduated from Weber State with a bachelor's in health promotions.
Following a 10+ year career in travel, Jim grew and managed what started as a 1.3 million dollar budget. He grew it to over 18 million. In 1994 he was hired by Weber County to Manage the Golden Spike Event Center (GSEC). In his 23+ years of service, he led a team that grew events more than fourfold. In 2017, Jim tried politics for the first time and was elected as a Weber County Commissioner. Since then, the County Commission has lowered their own salaries, eliminated the self-serving retirement golden parachute for elected officials, and with the county team of employees, they paid off public debt increasing the financial stability to the top 2% of all counties nationwide. Weber County now enjoys a balanced budget. Jim also created added transparancy with the #WinninInWeber, #WeberCares, #BeReadyWeber campaigns just to name a few.
He believes in a management style that empowers people to grow and improve; so much so that they could eventually lead on their own. This builds trust and improves performance and efficiency in them. Under Jim’s leadership, the employees now enjoy a higher job satisfaction.
Jim’s focused on communication and transparency. He’s very interested in perpetuating this in the community. Still, many people are not registered to vote. His site, www.VoteJimHarvey.com encourages registration and there is a tab to make this process easier. He embraces and encourages all persons to become registered voters and vote their conscious.
Jim’s spent his career building relationships with people. He loves trusting them and learning about them. “I'm a GREAT in-person communicator and have successfully surrounded myself with terrific people”, said Jim. “I can negotiate with others without offending them.”
The majority of Weber County Mayors support and endorse Jim. He is also proud to confirm that he has the support of many of the businesses in the area. This includes both workers and elected officials in the respective municipalities.
He believes in Libraries, education, and economic growth but also recognizes that healthy communication and trust are vital to both of those issues.
Jim would love to continue a third term by serving as your Weber County Commissioner because he LOVE’s where we lives, where he grew up, and where he hopes to continue making a place where he and your family will want to raise their children.
"It's an honor to be endorsed by my fellow Weber County Commissioners; I’m also supported by the majority of our local Utah House of Representatives & Senators," says Jim.
He's been a proud participant and supporter of: Children's Justice Center, GOAL Foundation, Catholic Community Services, LDS charities, YCC, Weber School District Foundation, Pioneer Days, just to mention a few.

I am an honest problem solving, positive outcome communicator. Many know of my integrity and experience surrounding the growth of business in both the public and private sector.
My strength is bringing a business mind to the community. While I've only been a commissioner for 3 years, my experience is not political based...It's BUSINESS based…
I will support the man who earns his living by using his HEAD and not ignore a man who earns his living by using his BACK.

I do support small business and also “Big Business” because they bring the most taxable value into the community and that helps reduce your property tax.
We have and I will continue to grow business in Weber County but not on the back of the taxpayers. I’ve got a proven record of taking care of what we have because its less expensive than paying a huge amount later. In managing government funds it's one thing to save money but it's even a better thing to generate taxable income without raising taxes. That's what I have done !
In the last 3 years successfully eliminated elected officials golden parachutes, lowered the Weber County Govt. line item property tax to all cities, contracted with Davis County to benefit all of Northern Utah Economic Development, decreased transfer station costs, paid off the bonds on both the Conference Center and Weber Center, lowered my own salary by $7k annually, positively balanced the budget while positively affecting fund balances, drastically increased transparency and more...

My VOLUNTEER SERVICE includes Weber State Alumni Board, Veterans board, Ogden Rotary Club, Exchange Club of Ogden, Ogden Weber Chamber of and Spikers, Boy Scouts of America Executive Committee, Weber County School District community council, Weber County Republican Delegate (26 years), Utah Association of Counties (UAC) Urban Caucus chair, WFRC board member, Utah State Republican Delegate (4 years), USO/DOD United States entertainment representative to Germany.
THANK YOU so much for allowing me to work as your Weber County Commissioner.